Curry panang de creveti

Acest tip de curry (in thailandeza “gaeng panaeng goong”), numit si “penang” sau “panaeng”, este un preparat relativ uscat, foarte parfumat si cu iuteala redusa.
Denumirea sa provine din cea a statului malaezian Penang, situat in sudul Thailandei. Originea acestui tip de curry este malaeziana, dar thailandezii l-au adaptat propriului gust.
Curry panang de creveti
Reteta traditionala continea carne de vita, dar exista variante foarte populare care folosesc pui, porc, rata, peste sau fructe de mare. De obicei acest curry contine doar carne, desi exista si variante mai bogate, cu adaus de legume.

Bucatarie: thailandeza
Dificultate: usor
Cantitate: 2 portii
Timp de preparare: 10 minute
Timp de gatit: 12 minute

400 g creveti, decorticati
5 frunze de de limeta kaffir
10 frunze de menta, tocate
2-3 linguri de pasta thailandeza de curry panang
1-2 linguri de sos de peste
1 lingura de pasta de tamarin
1-2 lingurite de suc de limeta
200 ml smantana (crema) de cocos
apa, cata este nevoie
1-2 linguri de unt de arahide
1-2 lingurite de zahar de palmier
2 fire de lemongrass, doar partea alba, zdrobite
30 g arahide (sau alune) prajite, tocate grosier
2 ardei iuti rosii, taiati feliute subtiri, pe diagonala
frunze proaspete de menta, pentru servit
taitei de orez sau orez Jasmine fiert, pentru servit

Se pun deoparte 2 linguri de smantana de cocos, iar restul se imparte in doua parti egale.
Se incinge wok-ul la foc mediu. Se adauga in wok prima parte de smantana de cocos. Smantana va incepe sa sfaraie si sa fiarba aproape imediat. Se adauga pasta de curry si se amesteca, la foc mic.

Se prajeste pasta in smantana de cocos, amestecand continuu. Trebuie sa inceapa sa se observe uleiul care iese la suprafata sosului. Este un lucru normal si un semn ca se gateste corect.

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Dupa 4-5 minute de gatit, pasta de curry va incepe sa miroasa puternic. Se adauga lemongrass si frunzele de de limeta kaffir. Se gateste 3-4 minute.

Se adauga crevetii, restul de smantana de cocos, untul de arahide, sosul de peste, pasta de tamarin, sucul de limeta si zaharul. Se amesteca si se gateste 3-4 minute, pana ce crevetii sunt facuti.
Se adauga fasiutele de menta si se amesteca. Se ia curry-ul de pe foc. Consistenta sa trebuie sa fie relativ uscata. Se lasa curry-ul acoperit 1-2 minute, ca aromele sa se amestece.

Se indeparteaza bucatile de lemongrass si frunzele de limeta kaffir. Se serveste curry-ul stropit cu smantana de cocos pusa deoparte, presarat cu alune tocate si felii de ardei iute, ornat cu frunze de menta, alaturi de orez fiert.

Am experimentat alegand o varianta de sos imbogatit cu putin unt de arahide, al carui gust imi place foarte mult. Am compensat onctuozitatea combinatiei cocos-arahide cu pasta de tamarin si suc de limeta.

Am folosit ca iarba aromata doar menta, fiindca nu am gasit coriandru, dar o combinatie a celor doua ar fi fost, poate, varianta cea mai buna.

2 comentarii pe “Curry panang de creveti

  1. cristi-j spune:

    Pentru mine Panang Kaeng / Curry Panang e mult mai simplu si mai clar, cel putin varianta reala, autentica, traditionala. Carne (vita sau pui), pasta de curry panang, smantana de cocos, sos de peste, zahar, frunze de limeta si ardei iute.

    Creveti, unt de arahide, tamarind, menta ? Eu as fi fost mult mai incantat de denumirea “creveti cu pasta de curry panang”. As pastra denumirea de curry panang pentru varianta mai clasica.
    Desi e un curry mai uscat, la tine in poza nu are sos deloc, sunt doar niste creveti. Frunzele de limeta, taiate foarte subtire se folosesc de obicei la ornat.

    Desi pana de curand stiam acelasi lucru despre numele si originea acestui curry, acum, desi sunt inca sigur de legaturile cu stilul de gatit malaezian, nu mai sunt atat de sigur de unde vine denumirea, pe de o parte am gasit surse care ofera alte posibilitati ale originii ori arata ca in Penang, Malaezia acest curry nu e popular/cunoscut, pe de alta parte nu am reusit sa gasesc surse clare pentru legatura cu Penang.

    Iata de exemplu ce zice o sursa:
    “I’m referring to an article written by the former Thai Prime Minister Kukrit Pramoj who’s quite knowledgeable in Thai history by his family of origin (Royal descent) and from his vast study of Thai history. He’s not only a great writer but also a great cook. This article was written in Siam Rath newspaper dated September 1st, 1972.
    The word “Panang” is derived from the ancient Khmer language that was adopted by the Thai, meaning “cross” mostly referring to leg position, like sitting cross-legged (on the floor). In the old time there was a way of cooking grilled chicken by crossing the chicken’s legs and setting the chicken upright instead of halving the chicken open and cooking it on the grill. The chicken that sat cross-legs up on the grill would be bathed with a curry paste that contained ground roasted peanuts in the paste then mixed with coconut cream. It would be brushed with the same mixture over the whole cooking time on the grill. This is a dish called “Gai Panang” or chicken Panang, due to the position of the chicken on the grill.
    Later on, the method had been simplified by cutting the chicken into big pieces and cooking them in the curry in the pot over the stove instead of over the grill. This is the origin of Panang curry.
    Panang is pronounced “Pa-Naing”. “Pa” is pronounced with the “ah” like in the word “pathetic”, a very short “a” sound that almost ends before it even fully comes out of your mouth. The “a” in Nang is pronounced like “ai” in the word “air”. That’s the correct pronunciation of the curry by the Thais.
    Let’s see how the Thai pronounce the Island’s name, Pe-Nang. “Pe” is pronounced just like “pee”, yes, that yellow pee, long “e” sound. Nang is pronounced more like “ung” than “ang”, like in the word “hung”. So “Pee-Nung” is the pronunciation of Penang island in Malaysia to the Thais, and that is way far from the pronunciation of Pa-Naing the curry.
    Often you will see Panang spell, Panaeng, Phanang or even Phanaeng too.
    Panang curry is not part of Peranakan cooking. Panang curry also isn’t typical southern Thai food of which the closest area to the Peranakan group, but is more from the central part of the country.”

    Si mai zice:
    “When I was living back at home in Bangkok, I only had Panang curry made with three types of meat: beef, chicken, and the special one that I loved, roasted duck Panang. That’s it. Panang curry paste is the type of curry with spices, coriander seed and cumin seeds.
    The modern day Panang has expanded to many different types of meat, and also includes seafood! Yes, I’m surprised. Personally I think the curry paste itself with spices is a little too much to put on seafood. The spices cover up the seafood flavor.
    There are two different ways of cooking Panang curry.
    1) Traditional Panang curry with meat or poultry: You will cook the meat WITH the curry. Slow cook, simmer, stew or whatever you prefer to call it. You add water or the water part of the coconut milk to cook with the meat until it’s tender.
    2) Modern Panang curry with seafood: You will make the curry paste WITHOUT coriander and cumin, but keep the roasted peanuts. You then cook the seafood the way you want: poached, boiled, fried, sautéed or grilled. Then cook the curry separately and pour it over the seafood”

    Mie mi se pare clara legatura cu Malaezia si felul cum se gateste acolo, pasta de curry, faptul ca e prajit nu fiert, mai uscat nu atat de supa ca cele mai multe Thailandeze, arahide si chimion in curry.

    • Radu Popovici spune:

      @cristi-j: Avea si la mine ceva sos, dar poza nu-l evidentiaza.
      Etimologia preparatului este, din tot ce am citit eu, neclara. Cei mai multi o pun in legatura cu Penang, de aceea am adoptat-o si eu. Sursa citata de tine propune o alta etimoologie, care ar putea fi corecta, sau nu. Mi se pare cam caraghioasa, parca cea legata de Penang este mai credibila. Nu inseamna insa ca denumirea nu ar putea proveni de la pulpele incrucisate. S-au vazut cazuri si mai ridicole.

      In ce priveste extinderea de la pui si vita la fructe de mare, acest lucru este adevarat. De asemenea, folosirea untului de arahide este o tehnica moderna, aparuta probabil in ultimii 20 de ani; este mai simplu de inglobat in pasta.

      Curry-ul panang este, intr-adevar, un curry prajit, in sensul ca se prajeste pasta de curry. Carnea, de obicei, se brezeaza in laptele de cocos; am vazut insa si cazuri in care era rumenita mai intai, sau chiar gatita complet si doar dupa aceea combinata cu sosul. Ca tehnologie, ambele metode sunt valabile. Pot sa spun ca am incercat cu carne de vita si gatita separat, si brezata in sos; a doua varianta mi s-a parut mai gustoasa, dar nu cu mult.

      In general, curry-urile verzi sunt intotdeauna apoase, cele rosii sunt si apoase si uscate, massaman, penang si galben sunt mai curand uscate. Cel putin aceasta este regula “clasica”. Alte curry-uri mai putin cunoscute, ca gaeng som, de pilda, sunt si ele apoase.

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